Compassionate In-Home Care Services For Seniors And Individuals With Disabilities


How Can You Tell it’s Time for More Help?

There’s a lot about caregiving that feels like a guessing game. One of the areas that might confuse you the most is when you and you’re senior really could benefit from having more help. There is no one answer that fits every situation. It’s about what your situation requires.


Home Care in Abington MA: Time for More Help
Home Care in Abington MA: Time for More Help


It’s Not Safe for Your Senior to Drive Anymore

One of the biggest reasons to need additional help is that your senior can no longer drive herself around. This is a huge adjustment for your senior and it might be one that you’re not prepared to handle as her caregiver. The other option, leaving her on her own with no transportation options, really isn’t a good one at all.


Her Medical Issues Are Worsening

If your elderly family member has health issues, odds are very high that they’ll continue to worsen over time. As those health issues grow, your elderly family member is likely to experience lower energy levels and a diminished ability to do a lot of what she used to do regularly. Having some extra help gives her a chance to conserve her energy where appropriate and still do some of what she loves.


Your Senior’s Mobility Issues Are Increasing

But it’s not just overall health that can become more difficult for your senior. She may find that her mobility is changing, too. As she becomes less able to move the ways that she used to move, she may also be unable to keep up with activities she loved to do. She may also be resisting using assistive tools, like wheelchairs or canes. Senior care providers can help her to master those devices.


You’re Not Taking Breaks

Something else to consider is that you factor into this decision, too. If you’re not taking breaks, that presents a long-term problem for you and ultimately for your senior as well. Hiring senior care providers to take over while you step away for a little while ensures that you’ve got the coverage that you need and that you can relax while you’re away. You don’t have that same peace of mind if there’s no one with your elderly family member.


Remember that this is something that you can adapt to meet your needs as well as your seniors. If you only need a little bit of help for a short period of time, that’s doable. It’s also feasible to have longer-term help. It’s about what really does help in your situation.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Care in Abington, MA, call the caring staff at Rivers of Hope today at 508-857-0629. Providing Independent, Dependent, and Companion Care Services in Brockton, Boston, Braintree, Avon Randolph, Abington, and the surrounding areas.

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