Compassionate In-Home Care Services For Seniors And Individuals With Disabilities


Is Your Elderly Loved One at an Increased Risk for Heart Disease?

Research shows that heart disease is the number one cause of death throughout the United States of America. There are far too many deaths that are caused due to conditions related to the heart. If you and elderly care providers are helping to care for an elderly adult, it can be helpful to know more about the risk factors for heart disease. There are some changes that can be made to prevent heart disease.


Homecare in Randolph MA: Risk for Heart Disease
Homecare in Randolph MA: Risk for Heart Disease


High Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels are the main cause of heart disease. According to the CDC, there are over 35 million people that have high enough cholesterol levels that it will lead to heart disease. Exercising and dieting could help to lower your elderly loved one’s cholesterol levels. By doing this, they could possibly prevent heart disease.



Many people only think about lung cancer when they talk about smoking. However, research also shows that smoking can lead to heart disease. If your elderly loved one is a smoker, it is important to help them quit. The sooner they quit, the sooner they can protect their heart and prevent heart disease.


High Levels of Stress

While just about everyone will suffer from stress at some point in their life, those who live with high levels of stress regularly will have an increased risk of heart disease. If your elderly loved one experiences high levels of stress, be sure to help them in any way that you can. Help them find enjoyable hobbies, therapy, or exercises that relieve their stress. Yoga, swimming, gardening, walking, and meditation are all great for relieving stress.


Living a Sedentary Lifestyle

Does your elderly loved one sit down most of the time? Have they lacked when it comes to exercising or other physical activity? If so, they will have an increased risk of heart disease. Keeping active is one way to prevent heart disease.


Consumption of Alcohol

Those who consume a lot of alcohol will have a higher risk of developing heart disease, as well. Consuming alcohol increases blood pressure levels and puts more empty calories into one’s diet. Both of these things can be contributing factors to heart disease.


High Intake of Sodium

If your elderly loved one eats a lot of salt, they will have an increased risk of heart disease. Foods such as processed foods and fast food are often chocked full of sodium. If you want to help your loved one to prevent heart disease, help them to lower their intake of sodium.

These are some of the reasons why someone might have an increased risk of heart disease. Now that you know more about these risk factors, you can help your elderly loved one to prevent heart disease.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Homecare in Randolph, MA, call the caring staff at Rivers of Hope today at 508-857-0629. Providing Independent, Dependent, and Companion Care Services in Brockton, Boston, Braintree, Avon Randolph, Abington, and the surrounding areas.


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